Meet Leigh Raffaele!

Leigh Raffaele’s life mirrors Goldilocks. Growing up in the suburbs had been a little too soft. A short stint in the city had been a little too hard. But a recent move to the country proved just right.

Married to her college sweetheart, she now lives on a farm in the mountains of north-western New Jersey with acres of pastures and woodlands, 20+ goats, a dozen chickens and two dogs. She’s biased—as all grandmothers are—in that she has two beautiful granddaughters who call her Farm Mama.

The mother of three grown sons, she says raising them was such an adventure, she’d do it all again in a heartbeat. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, softball, guitar lessons, trumpet practices, drum rolls, marching band, WWE Wrestling, camping…boys are so cool!!! And then they grow up to be the heroes in her books!

She loves jigsaw puzzles, coloring and is addicted to an odd combination of Hallmark movies, HGTV’s Fixer Upper, and Discovery’s Alaskan Bush People.

To “talk” to Leigh about her books, The Goats, her crazy obsession with her TV shows, or whatever floats your boat, contact her at