Writing Through Stress…Hello Spring!

All I can say is… it’s about time! What a long dark that was!

As you’re reading this, I’m likely sitting on a beach with a fishing pole in hand! That Man and I are on a “just us” trip to our favorite beach! We’ve been looking forward this since… well, since the last time we’ve had a “just us” trip and it’s probably been about 3 years.

It’s the calm before the storm. When we return it’ll be one obligation after another for pretty much the entire summer and fall. It’s all good–most of it is fun stuff–but it’s nice to have the moment to recharge before diving in.

Currently, it’s the final countdown before we depart. And this is the time where there’s a metric crapton of anxiety… We’re still dealing with pop us issues with the new vehicle and at this point, we’ve taken every precaution and are prepared for anything that could happen, but yikes. Our animals and house will be well cared for by the best house-sitter in the world. But our puppers is an old lady and we worry about her. And you know… every other thing you worry about before going on a trip.

Oh! This happened after my last post, but during the last snowstorm we had here, we wrecked my beloved Jeep. It was pretty awful. We were uninjured (a few bruises from the seat belt and sore muscles), but my Jeep was not. She’s in pretty bad shape, but she’ll be back. Once we return from our trip, the dismantling and procurement of needed parts will begin. I am super sad though.

In other news, I’m working on a new book and I’m over halfway through. I’m kind of stuck right now but I’m working through it in my head. I just feel like something should else should be happening, but I’m not sure what. But I’m plugging along and I do really like the premise and the characters.

And that’s it! Enjoy the sunshine!


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6 Responses to Writing Through Stress…Hello Spring!

  1. sueberger3 says:

    I am so happy for your trip! And really sad about your jeep. I wrecked my beloved car two weeks ago. And it is not fixable. Well I hit a car and then I was hit by a semi so I’m just glad to be here. I got a new car yesterday. It’s black. I’ve never had a black car. I must do something to make it not black stickers something. I’m so glad you have a story in your head and that it’s percolating. Sometimes those percolations take quite a while but in the end, it’s worth it. I hope you have a lovely happy wonderful trip

    • vicsmith says:

      Yikes! Glad you’re okay! That’s scary! Stickers might work! I’ve never had a black car either! We did have a lovely trip! Thank you!

  2. viola62 says:

    Sorry about the jeep! A “recharge the batteries” trip is always good!

  3. Sally Brandle says:

    Glad you were relatively uninjured and look forward to the Jeep Revival sequel!

    • vicsmith says:

      Thanks! It’s going to be a while! Unfortunately! But we’ll get her back on the road and better than before! 🙂

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